How Long Is A Police Check Valid For in Australia?

You will have access for 3 months in your Worker Checks portal


Last Update 18 days ago

There is no standard period of time that a check remains valid for - the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check is a point in time record

However it will not be available for viewing printing or e-sharing on your Worker Checks Portal 3 months after it is issued.

As per Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) Worker Checks
must not provide to the Applicant or any third party, a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check after 3 months have passed since it was issued by the ACIC, except where required by Law or with the prior written consent of the ACIC.

The information contained in the document is only accurate up to the date and time of issue. The information may become outdated quickly - for example if an offence took place after the certificate was issued.

See our article on police check expiry here -->

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